Hide Toolbar Buttons in Nautilus 3.x

Posted by jiGGaK on May 3rd, 2011

Are you as annoyed as I am about the superfluous screen real estate consumed by the toolbar buttons in Nautilus 3? Of course you are, that’s why the oracle brought you here.

To remove them, modify /usr/share/nautilus/ui/nautilus-toolbar-ui.xml and comment out all the <toolitem> elements.

<toolbar name="Toolbar">
    <!--<toolitem name="Back" action="Back"/>
    <toolitem name="Forward" action="Forward"/>
    <toolitem name="Search" action="Search"/>-->

Antonello November 26th, 2011

Exactly same need here: how to add the “up” button ?

Pawel October 22nd, 2011

Any idea how to ADD buttons, e.g. ‘up’? Adding doesn’t work.